[Download] [TOUR 2] (Slot) VMF-213 Hell Hawks Campaign

King Franky Wrote:Beautiful campaign, I'm in the middle of Tour 1 and I'm very impressed!

But I've one question to this merging thing of Tour 1+2. Yes, I've read the "Hellhawks Info on Filler Mission System". :wink:
I would Tour 1+2 play as one campaign and I've installed both. So need I to fly the 15 and last mission of Tour 1 and would than Tour 2 starts, or must I start Tour 2 seperatly as a new campaign?

I will put up a link here that will let you download what you need to make tour 1 keep going into tour 2, basicly im going to join them for you and make this really easy.

Edit: BTW, thank you very Much!

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