Jet jockies: share your secrets!

luther01 Wrote:triad 773 the guy who wrote the post made a mistake because there is no plane in il-2 that can maintain 600kts. This is about 600-700mp/h or 1300km/h. even in a dive that is pushing it let alone in a dogfight, but he is right about maintaining hgh airspeed. i think he confused kts and km/h Big Grin

Good point Luther- had not thought about that :lol:

All I know is I had felt pretty lost when it comes to flying jets in IL-2 before, but slowly a picture is coming together 8) That and the FM for the F-80A MOD I am finding a nice improvement from the YP-80: I can restart in air. I even turned my engine off, then on again! A great relief, and hopefully a sign of things to come with FM.

I hope other people find this as useful as I do.

Thanks for all the replies thus far Smile

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