Realistic England->Normandy Map

Thirdeye Wrote:I have a idea for a realistic scale England to Normandy map. As it is now its hard to make a new map bigger, but i was thinking, Why not use the Gulf of Finland map, and edit it to have England at top and Normandy at the bottom. The Gulf of Finland map now is close to the distance between england and normandy in real life.

This would be great for The Battle of Britain missions or 1943-1944 Escort/Ground Missions

Anyone else want something like this? If i get interested enough i may do this myself.

Yeah, that would be really great. I think Gulf of Finland has been used as a map "hack" for the BoB before the days of modding. It would be ideal size wise. Important not to go too mad with object and textures etc. for frps. Remember there could be a heck of a lot of aircraft in a BoB mission. :lol:

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