QMBPlus help

If you get that error message then all it means is that you do not have that particular type of mission file in your Quick folder eg in your screenshot you can't fly a strike mission on the Okinawa map so the file it is looking for in your Quick folder is OkinawaRedStrike00.mis or OkinawaBlueStrike00.mis

Okinawa is one of the default maps and I don't recall seeing any Okinawa missions in any of the QMB packs released so you are restricted to (for the Okinawa map) the default target types Airbase, Armor and None.

You could create your own strike mission and call it OkinawaBlueStrike00.mis or OkinawaRedStrike00.mis and drop it in your Quick folder and that should then enable the target type Strike for the Okinawa map.



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