
CzechTexan Wrote:The map i'm working on does include the Arakan area which is my personal favorite area. In fact, just yesterday I added many extra villages with houses + roads and recreated the "Admin Box" the best I could. I'm looking forward to recreating the air battles fought there during the two major Japanese campaigns in the area.

My main source bookS of info and maps is BURMA, THE LONGEST WAR and THE RAF REGIMENT.

I should have a new release beta version soon. It is totally different from the first version and much better IMHO. Burma is the most forgotten of all the forgotten battles and it deserves to have its place in the list of maps.
thank you for the comments!

By the way CzechTex I always enjoyed your missions over at M4Today! Great stuff, am really looking forward to this release, will fill a big gap for RAF, AVG, USAAF and IJAAF mission building.

Some of the airwar Burma books I've got include;

Air war for Burma by Christopher Shores 1942-45 (includes excellent detail on USAAF operations as well as RAF-SEAC, literally a day by day account of all allied ops in Burma)

Hurricanes over the Arakan by Norman Franks

Spitfires over the Arakan by same

The air battle of Imphal by same (the one map we do have!)

Japanese Army Airforce fighter units and their aces by Hata, Izawa and Shores

Bloody Shambles Vol 2 1941-May 1942 by Shores and Cull (also covers AVG ops in Burma and Burma/China borders, as well as detailed account of RAF and IJAAF missions day by day)

So if you need any gen just let me know, perhaps if you later decide to build missions or a campaign on your map. Big Grin

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