18.04.2009, 11:43
It was not very funny. Did anyone even understand your immature humour? Honestly, it's comments like the ones you made which make Joe feel like not even working on the map. I understand that someone elses idea of a joke is different to another persons, but if I were you I would think more before posting. :wink: Sorry if I sound harsh; I can understand that looking back-it sounded a bit funny; but any comments relating to Oleg's '2-week' quote are just plain ridiculous. At least here Canon keeps us up-to-date.
However, I have tried your smoke mod and I liked it. Although there are too many on here to make up my mind on which one is the best
Cheers mate
dear Philip if my humor sound to you "immature" seem to me that really it's you that still have to grow up a little bit more in your mind. About "thinking before posting" I kindly reverse completely this point of view to you as it's you that have not think one moment before agree about one post just about my contribution to mods here to AAA (see above..aren't you?. .And finally your offensive argumentation about my in your opinion, "ridiculous comments" are just the confirmation about this: please reflect about you and your maturity before try to freely offend anyone with you personal and insane interpretation of others opinions..thank you.. ...mate (..)