Take it! 2 stock Bf-109G6 new slots for modding!

JG7_X_Man Wrote:That is not true - why does everyone forget the first three weeks IL-2 sturmovik hit the shelves and the Bf 109G-6 could out turn an La-5FN at low speeds (...the patch that ended that era was released 2 weeks later). I guess the idea was working slats on the Gustav just wasn't the way to go? :roll:

Well the slats sure do work on the G-6, problem is on the stock models (that I have changed on these 2 new slots) that they are very overweight when set in relation to the G-2 and their engine has horrible supercharger efficiency.

The G-2 ingame IS quite a bit lighter than the real deal but then again this seems to have been a necessity in order to get its FM right. When comparing its turn time, topspeed and climbrate to real life data it is one of the or even THE most accurately modelled 109 in the sim.

I remember in the late IL-2 Original days the G-6 was a complete and utter piece of uselessness, it would bleed speed at the slightest turn as if you had just droped an anchor out of the window. Its energy retention thus was ridiculous and made it an easy kill even when strictly holding to energy tactics.

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