lowering internal cockpit engine sounds

I had the same issue.

The fix.
1. find the associated sound files, in C:.../files/samples (you will need to know what engine goes with what plane or just listen to the files 'til you find the correct one)

2. Open the file(s) with 'Sound Recorder' (in system32 folder of XP or Vista) you can also find it in the accessories of the start menu. Not sure if the Vista version is the same though, I use XP for IL2

3. Play back the file then under the options or is it tools...? choose 'decrease volume'. Click it about 3 or 4 times to 'taste' then save file.

4. do the same for all appropriate engine 'RPM level' files

5. load/play game choose same plane make note of the sound difference adjust to 'taste'

Hope that helps.

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