[MOD] UI CRT2 switcher V1.11 - ship pack issue fixed

Great so let's work together. I missed the files you mention just because i tested the prog with an installation with some additional mods but no planes ;-(. Are these all additional files that must be switched? Should'nt be to difficult. Think i will create a hash value or somethink like that to check what version curruntly is used before switching.

But there is an other problem: I compared these 2f34...-files and noticed at least in one case that a newer mod changed also existing UICRT2 files. This is the ME410A, where i found 5 updated files (don't know what update this was), but there may be other mods with such updates. I wrote a CRT2 file integrity checker for fun, but such changes are hard to handle. For CRT2 one would need also the old version and there were additional and difficulty switches neccecary. I dont know if this is the right way.

An easier way would be to hold two complete mod folders, one CRT2 compatible and one with additional "private" mods. Just rename the folders and switch the button pp. as needed. Disadvantage would be that one will forget to switch to the "private" version before installing new mods of course, which would destroy the CRT2 installation. And there is no working read only attribution in windows xp for folders (just for files). Nevertheless (One could question the sense of such a swichter at all, but it is also fun ;-) this may be the better way and i'm thinking to rewrite the program this way (most parts can be recycled).

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