Take it! 2 stock Bf-109G6 new slots for modding!

[quote="vanir"]Ta-152C-1 with C-3 Mk103 motorkanone option. I've corresponded with Dietmar Hermann about this aircraft (a published authority on the type) and he sent me some specific figures which seem to differ in some respects to the stock modelling.
There are two flying conditions apparently tested, B4 or C3 fuel and it appears the stock modelling is for the B4 version. This is likely to have been switched for C3 in initial production batch due to the lack of intercooler which was to be fitted to the 603L motor replacing the 603LA in early production.
MW50 was being used as a substitute for intercooler in the test prototypes and early planned production, whereas later with the exchange of the 603L motor it was to have been tuned for performance enhancement. The difference is likely to be similar performance to the C3 fuel LA motor mit MW50.
The B4/MW50 LA is 1780/2050PS takeoff. The C3/MW50 LA is 2100/2300PS takeoff. The B4/MW50 L motor is likely to be 2000/2300PS takeoff.

This is a vital aircraft type for any Luft-46 campaigning since it is the primary piston fighter entering production during 1945. It was to replace all Fw-190A and D in production, as well as take on the zerst

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