29.04.2009, 10:45
FZ Wrote:you have to delete each line that reads "numberOn etc..."
in each .mis file
Planes 3
Skill 3
skin0 $$ No 6188.bmp
skin1 A3+KV.bmp
skin2 Fw190A-5 U14 K.bmp
numberOn0 0
numberOn1 0
numberOn2 0
Class air.FW_190A5U14
For example in this .mis file the 3 FW 190s will have no markings unless you delete the "numberOn etc " lines
But if for ex skin A3+KV.bmp is an already marked skin, if you don't add the "numberOn etc .." line the skin will have 2 markings (one upon the other)
Thanks for your response!
I will give it a try when I'm at home.