[FINAL?] Kokoda Trail Map (v1.51 12/05/09)

I think those maps are actually 1965 maps. Great info in there and again the same problem...many more villages showing there, some are not showing, some others have different names...etc...its a pain Confusedhock: . Finding the exact location is also hard because the topographic info in the maps are not very accurate and when you compare it to the real SRTM data, is also hard to find the exact spots.

Thanks again for the info.

Here you can see some other sources im using...

[Image: kokodatrail.th.jpg]

[Image: kokodatrailwaypoints.th.jpg]

[Image: kokodamap.th.jpg]

Hmmm, well, ive changed some towns like 3 times of location ... ill keep going :lol:

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