[WIP] Gen. FW-190F-8 - Input please; what needs to be done?


I've been piking up some work for my first skin (well second, but the first one went down the toilet) for Il-2, a generic FW-190F-8 based on the one in this link:

Now, I don't know if the colors are all exactly correct, but what I'm looking for is some general input for how I can make it better.
What do you guys think?
Needs more detail, or something else?

I feel kinda stuck, but aren't completely satisfied with the result.

Here are some screenshots, and if you'd like to see any other angles or better ones just ask.
[Image: 2h3mph1.jpg]
[Image: s2brcj.jpg]
[Image: 292a43c.jpg]

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