Adding Old Mapmods to UI

Kopfdorfer Wrote:Yes the missing culprit seems to be th eActors Static file for the variable seasons of the Crimea Maps.
How do I get a copy of this file, as I checked the zip containing this Map Mod and there is no actors static
in it ? Or should I be able to access the actors static from the original in game actors static for the Crimea map, and if so , how?

if it hasn't been provided by the author then mod is using default one ... so name of that map mod folder must be "Crimea" and game will load all needed files from SFS .

If need default files please get SFS extractor + latest filelist.txt and extract all fb_mapsXX.SFS files ( game root) into one folder and you'll have all files for all maps ( default)

SFS extractor:



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