How to ge the most out of your MODDED Carrier experience


I saw a post recently where, being the land (and air) lubber that I am, I realized that I may be missing out on some of what carriers now have to offer-- and with great planes like the F9 Panther, I find myself wanting to know a lot more 8)

So since I know about some, but by no means all of what could make my experience on a carrier more immersive, I thought I would ask those more experienced to share what works and doesn't work for them regarding modded carrier operations!

I know that Fireball's Carrier Catapult mod works very well, but there are others that I know of but am not sure how it fits into the larger experience- like the wind mod, some mod that places static ac on the deck and others that could prove valuable for those who may not know the scope of mods available for carrier ops.

I welcome all to share what works, or doesn't work for you Smile

Special thanks to Wrench11Bravo for the inspiration 8)


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