Anyone want to paint a couple racing planes for me?

Just do a search for 30's air racers for the schemes,,,mostly solid color with a scallop or a couple of lines,,nothing complex.

I am trying to wrangle the AI into a little race around some pylons 1930's far it has been interesting,,if you just watch the race it does not come out the same every starts with a mass takeoff on a dirt field and ends with them landing at the same field...three laps so far but more could again change the outcome...I am trying to get the AI to turn sharper because if I fly one of the planes I can win by doing so...Just a little fun and alot of trial and error. of course this would be a snap online with human pilots but I want to have a race that is all AI and very unpredictable.

I could paint them but would pay for it in the end (or rather wrist and arm) I even painted a Waco that was on the cover of PC Pilot mag years ago but time and repitition caught up and now I just think about it Smile

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