Second install of Il2 possible?

RealDarko, here's how I do it. Windows will only allow you to install 1 instance of IL-2, so follow this method for 2 or more installs. You will have to make a copy of your ENTIRE IL2 game folder, and store it somewhere on another hard-drive, or whatever. You then need to uninstall the existing IL2, via Control Panel - only after uninstalling, will it allow you to install a new version. I have several copies of the game, all made from one initial install.
I have 2 mod versions, a map version and a test version. The game folder can be copied, and you should be able to run the copied version without hassles. Hope this helps. 8)

EDIT: Jeez, my typing is slow....2 replies in the time it took me to type this... :wink:

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