23.05.2009, 08:37
Ectoflyer Wrote:Fire extinguishers are present in the stock 1946, see controls.Some stock-planes in IL2-1946 have fire extinguishes fitted ie B25's, and yes, they do actually work. You can use them to put out engine fires and to cool an overheated engine quickly. How to operate...
But I never understood how they work and IF they work or was only an option never activated.
In this last case maybe a modder could activate it, without changing anything related to FM!
B17 also had them I think
1. Assign a fire extinguisher key in the conrols.
2. Assign a key to select each of the plane engines (1-6) in the conrols.
3. Assign a key to select all engines in the conrols.
4. Press the key to select your engine that is on fire. In my case, that's 1 for engine 1, 2 for engine 2 etc. (engine numbering goes from the left to right on your plane).
5. Press your fire extinuisher key to fire the extinguisher for the selected engine. Some planes have more than 1 extinguisher in each engine bay.
6. Press the key to select all your engines after firing an extinguisher, otherwise when you change power only the last selected engine will activate.