Maps with modifed objects.

I'm sorry I upset you with 'masses'. I just thought a little bit of simple irony couldn't hurt anyone. Sorry again if that was the case. I certainly did not mean to insult anyone.

Just so you know, I was including myself in 'masses' , because up until fairly recently I had the same problem as you and it took me a while to find what wasn't working ike it should have.
The issue was not coming from an objects mod but from a rogue statics.ini in a folder where there shouldn't have been one. The game loaded this one first and all the modifications of my statics.ini in the STD folder had no effect. Perhaps you've done it already, but if you haven't, check all the folders in your MODs directory and delete all statics.ini you find outside of the STD folder. The one I found was under 'MODs/DAMAGEMOD02'.

If you still have problems, try relocating all objects mods under 'MODs/ObjectsMaps' (UI folder I believe...). Your problem might be coming from the order in which the game loads the different MODs.

Anyway, that's how I solved my problem.

Another problem is that mapmakers often use objects without always knowing wether they came from the UI or other maps. There are several cases of maps using Canon's airfield tiles or Slot or Thailand objects which I believe were not included in the UI. Maybe if mapmakers could provide a precise list of what objects they used we could identify most problems and solve them earlier.

edit : Look how we all thought of the same thing at the same time. That's what I'd call Mass Thinking Tongue



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