Junkers EF 009

The Ta-183 is an unrealistic project???? Confusedhock: Yea like the Me-163 the Me-262 the Go-229 (unrealistic flying wing concept) or the V-2.

Really unrealistic for 1944/45 :lol:

Other "ridiculous" projecsts:

[Image: x-4.jpg]
[Image: x-5.jpg] by the way really similar to [Image: p1101__1.jpg] P1101 german project
[Image: x-3.jpg]
[Image: xfy1_12.jpg]
[Image: 494000875_e2287588e6_o.jpg]
[Image: sea-dart1.jpg]
[Image: ECN-15846.jpg]
[Image: EC80-12694.jpg] compare designs [Image: mr119-1.jpg]
[Image: xf5u.jpg]
and finally my favourite :lol: [Image: hist064b.jpg]

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