
your air.ini file will be in:

C:\**YOUR IL21946FOLDER**\MODS\STD\com\maddox\il2\objects

as to what it does . . . . ?? to be honest I'm not sure, it looks like a reference file for aircraft access on maps/load ups but I'm afraid I cant give you a definite answer on that one :?

Are you installing the new aircraft one at a time, making sure each new one works before you add the files for the next?

If you have the space (or a USb hard drive perhaps?) I'd recommend keeping a copy of your Il2 modded install separately, I back up my whole installation before each new MOD I add so if it doesn't work or narks my install I can just delete and copyn'paste the backup straight over.

Are you using Vista by the way? if so there are a couple of tweaks which can make life easier.

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