Bf 109 internal cockpit frame ,Any news ???


I agree. I work with military jets and we clean and treat the windshields regurarly and during summer even more due a lot of bugs etc squashing against the windscreen Smile So why would WW2 mechs be any different in this matter. And as you can see of the pic of the Finnish Bf109G-6, the canopy is CLEAR..not yellow even it is over 60 years old..Go figure!

About the 3D model of the Bf109 cockpit frames. Does not take a Sherlock Holmes to see it is wrong. I hope some modder would fix it to be accurate and the G-6Late/later marks Erla Haube to be stripped from the metal strips we have. I bet it is a smaller project than making a totally new cockpit for an AI plane Wink Maybe Ranwers could take a look or Muas or Waggel? Please?

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