Why cant i keep my engine speed up?

Messer Wrote:That's the best I can give you, for offline flying.
One mistake I did for a long time was to use the default joystick settings and to sharply pull/push during combat. This greatly reduced my airspeed and I had to rely on turning. Now, I fly with high sensitivity settings for the stick and I try to gently push towards the direction I'm turning, and to constantly trim. Works like a charm. Big Grin

Trim made ALL the difference for me. Also davis0079 comment with the pdf file that explains online flying helped to. But turns out without using trim I was bleeding all my thrust to weight ratio. I read from that handbook that energy is life in dogfights and erratic flying w/o trim and chopping the throttle was my biggest noobie mistakes. I now keep my throttle at a constant 100 percent unless I desperately need to cool my engine and open flaps with a dive just didn't do it. So i keep my throttle up to keep as much energy as possible and trim a lot. Mostly my elevators i seem to be trimming and using the most efficiently. Also when closing in on a enemy aircraft instead of lowering my engine power to keep from over shooting I instead climb to bleed my speed and exchange it for energy thus keeping a good TWR. So instead of losing all my potential energy I store it in the "bank" and dive down again for another pass rather then just slowing down possibly missing my shot and now having no energy saved in the bank. Long story short everything seems to be making a lot mor sense now.

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