IL-2 and Windows Vista???

Yea, create a new folder off c:/ called "Games" In that folder install all your gaming applications. I also created a folder called "Utilities" inside "Games" for all my gaming utilities such as trackIR, Stab, Gapa, etc...

I recently loaded up a new machine running Vista Ultimate, and have not had any problems running any gaming (IL2 modded, Stab, TrackIR, Teamspeak, FalconAF w/HiTilesAF, COH, etc...) software following this directory structure configuration. The only thing I have not been able to run in IL2 modded is the splash screen switcher.

Also turn off User Account Control.

Note, I have not had to run in "XP Compatibility" mode for any of my gaming stuff including IL2. Everything is running great with the directory structure. The only other thing I did is set up Vista to run in Classic view mode to "look like" XP for familiarity with using the OS.

good luck!

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