Microsoft Sidewinder Forcefeedback 2 center force issue

I too have an MS FF2, and i dont know of a solution to this problem. However there is a workaround you may not know of: If you alt tab out, when you go back to IL2 hit refly (I do this twice to be sure) and the force will come back.

Its not much use in the middle of a flight, but if you can wait until you are on the ground to ALT TAB out you can at least regain force without having to restart the game. Starting with an airstart can be a problem need to bail and hit refly again!

And make sure you havent got any background programs which can pull you out of IL2! theres nothing worse than being in a dogfight when your AV tells you its updated, you ALT TAB into the game and you have no force (for those who havent got force feedback, flying with a floppy stick is very difficlult to get any sort of precision!)

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