CERT AI MOD V.30 (03/27/09)

Hi Certificate,
Really great mod, thanks a lot.
One hint: the "atmosphere mod" does use clouds and produces turbulence when entering a cloud - so the system "knows" that you're in a cloud. Would it be possible to switch an A/C (when entering a cloud) "off" like being killed? Then the other AI A/C would react as if they don't see the A/C in the cloud anymore and turn away - like when an A/c is killed.
The bigger problem would be turning the A/C "on" again after leaving a cloud. I don't know how the ohter aircraft react, when you suddenly rebirth in the middle of a dogfight arena ;-).

Another thing: the AI-Aircraft sometimes remind me of very old versions, esp. the old early-war tchaikas and rata. tchaikas are very hard to destroy and ratas change direction very fast.

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