[MOD] OLC Water V2

I've released a new version (OLC Water V2) which looks a bit nicer (IMO) and has the exact same memory footprint as the stock water, so now players short on VRAM can use the mod. If you already have V1 then delete it or disable it before installing V2.

This mod makes the water look better in "perfect" mode with Water=0/1, especially on land-based missions where the water is mostly found in rivers and lakes (which should not have such large "waves" on them as we normally see in IL2).

This mod is compatible with all other mods AFAIK.

This mod is designed only for use with Water=0 or Water=1!

This mod will not do anything if you're not running in "perfect" mode.

Just drop it into your MODS folder and you're good to go...


This optional extra will give you (what I consider to be) a much better sun reflection. Again, just drop it in the mods folder...

http://www.filefront.com/14171677/OLC-S ... er-V2.rar/


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