[MOD] Darwin 1942-43 v1.1 *UPDATED* [v4.09]

Firstly thank you Neil for all the work you have put into this map, all those screen shots of Darwin look excellent. Can't wait to get this up and running as I have wanted a far north Queensland and Northern Territory map for close to 7 years now. Not sure what I have done wrong but it will not load the Darwin campaign created by Stonehouse.

This is the first mod I have installed, the installer placed it in the il2fb main folder P:\Program Files\Ubisoft\il-2 Sturmovik 1946\MODS\MAPMODS\maps\ with 2 folders \_tex and \NTL_Darwin_Small and a file all.ini

When I generate the DCG campaign in il-2, there is no map showing in the "fly" screen menu and when I click the fly button "Mission loading failed: Landscape "NTL_Darwin_Small/NTL_Darwin_Small_load.ini" loading error, pops up.
Is there something else I need to do or install apart from the map and the DCG campaign?

I have read the installation instructions and to the best of my understanding have followed them, what am I missing or doing wrong? Any/all help is much appreciated.

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