"Realistic" vs "Fantasy" debate

dorkfish Wrote:I still don't really get the point. It seems the OP is arguing that modders should clearly mark planes that were not in WWII...or ones that did not fly period. Seeing this sim IS part fantasy. WWII in 1946. And if Oleg did not clearly mark the LaGG-3RD, which never flew, and was only a project on paper; why should people who make modded planes mark them as such.

What if Oleg never takes a shower? Are we then forbidden from taking a shower? I think it would be a good thing that 'fantasy' (being aircraft that never left the initial drawing board stage) aircraft were marked as such. Just so that people who are new to this sim have an idea what's real and what's fiction. In the end, not eveyone is aware that the Blowing XP-1337A did take to the skies and that the 1337-XD or whatever never was produced or tested.

About the orange skins, that's real. The Japanese used it for their prototypes as you stated. Nothing fictional about that. It's up to a campaign maker / server admin to allow or not allow such stuff.

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