Ki-61 Template Selection Opinions Sought....

Hi Poltava;

Though there may be just one skin there are a number of photographs of this unit, and in kind the 17th hikousentai their sister unit together making up the 22nd Hikoudan. Now at first blush I thought I could whip you one out today in that the bare metal meant little on the first photo I found, yet in short order I ran into many others and it became clear that bare metal will be extremely important to make these skins.

To that end, I'll keep on the path I'm on and finish the template. Then make the 68th & 78th of the 14th Hikoudan (which I've needed to do for a couple years), then will work on some 17th & 19th of the 22nd Hikoudan after in that they'll be as complex as the others................However, know this.....They will be wrong. Every photograph I have found of 19th aircraft are Ki-61-I-Tei or 1d. Meaning, it is a different model then what we have (which is rediculous as it was the most produced).

Would be better if someone here would make that model it only needing a different tail, longer nose, and different guns which exist on the Ki-100. But your call.


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