Fairey Barracuda

Gentlemen, please!

I think it should be a legal thing to tell in public if you are not contend with someones particular peace of work or you think it's leading to a wrong direction. If you keep to the facts and don't use foul language it is far from beeing offense or a downset of the creator himself. On the other hand one should not draw his rapier on every provocation obviously made from lack of sense.

Ps: If I might add: although i would love to see the barracude ingame, I am not certain if a "frankenplane"-barracuda really would ever be satisfactory. So maybe we all should reconsider if we don't encourage someone to spend efford to an ill-fated project just because we want a plane more to include in our collection and we don't have to do anything to it (but cheerio all the time) anyway.

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