19.08.2009, 12:03
No, I don't use the Object Viewer... I prefer official documents. Definitely more trustworthy than books called "Hitler's Luftwaffe"... or others that label the G series as a dive bomber...
Honestly, the only G that could carry a SC 1800 was a stripped down version of the G-3 that basically had most of its equipment removed and a very short range, still being in need of a modified tail wheel and a concrete runway of at least 1200m.
...and the strengthened landing gear was a result of the added weight of additional armor and in the case of the G series the addition of a 115l tank for GM-1/MW50 storage. Nothing to do with the bomb loadouts, As is pretty evident by the fact that the A series machines could be converted with the U kits (Umr
Honestly, the only G that could carry a SC 1800 was a stripped down version of the G-3 that basically had most of its equipment removed and a very short range, still being in need of a modified tail wheel and a concrete runway of at least 1200m.
...and the strengthened landing gear was a result of the added weight of additional armor and in the case of the G series the addition of a 115l tank for GM-1/MW50 storage. Nothing to do with the bomb loadouts, As is pretty evident by the fact that the A series machines could be converted with the U kits (Umr