Halifax Patch?


BWF: Thanks for the instructions. I will try the Halifax patch tonight.
Bigbossmalone: When working on a test mission for the He-219 and the Halifax last night, I came to the same conclusion. I did exactly what you suggested and it pretty much worked. As long as I didn't touch the individual plane tabs in FMB, both the He-219 and the Halifax worked fine. However, as soon as I tried to open the plane tab for the He-219 in FMB, regardless of what version of the plane I was using (Checkyersix, Ranwers, EnsignRo), FMB crashed. Same with the Halifax. Perhaps this is a general problem with some of the "frankenplanes"? I am certainly grateful for all the work that modders like Ranwers have done and released here, especially since these two aircraft are long favorites of mine. But perhaps creating a completely new 3D-model of the He-219 and the Halifax might solve this problem. If I only had the skills, knowledge and time, I would give it a try.



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