[Tool] Universal static.ini checker for all mod maps

If beeing unable to save a mission with a special map this prog checks your static.ini for missing objects and doubled or irregular entrys.


Java must be installed.

Expand zip to an empty folder.

Throw your static.ini (...\mods\STD\com\maddox\il2\objects\) in that folder.
Throw the actors.static of the map in question (...\mods\mapmods\maps\\..) also in that folder. The real name of this file doesn't matter as long as the term "actor" is in it. If not, just rename it containing the term "actor".

Run the prog.

Missing/wrong entrys are stored in a file "missing.txt" in that folder.

Search and install mods containing the missing objects. To find the mod in question, find the missing object in the "complete_static.ini" (I think all object mods ever published at AAA until now are in here. Future mods not, of course). Then scroll upwards until you find a title line like this:

Title FabianFred object Mods

The title usually gives the mods name and will help to find it.

Delete/edit doubled or irregular entrys in your static.ini.
Deleting doubled entrys is optional, they don't seem to hurt.
After saving your original static.ini copy the new one into the \std\....\objects folder.

Download it here:

http://www.filefront.com/14471387/unive ... erV1.0.zip

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