Spitfire update pack?


I was wondering if anyone has considered making or is working on a Spitfire update pack? The Spitfire V and IX models in particular are showing their age, and could really use a reworking. Maybe replace the MkIX models with adapted versions of the much nicer MkVIII model?

Other features like opening canopies for all the Spitfires would be nice, because while all the new Spitfire variants such as the MkI, MkXII and MkXIV and Seafire II have opening canopies none of the official versions do, and it really adds to immersion when you can open the canopy as you come in to land or are taking off, like so many pictures show pilots doing.

Finally, it would be good to see bubble canopied versions of the Spitfire, because while there is a bubble canopy available for the MkIXe, it is an old Frankenplane mod and looks rather ugly compared to the beautiful mods being produced now. I believe the creator of the Spitfire XIV mod is working on a bubble canopied variant, and wasn't the XIV created by modding a VIII? If this is the case it should be quite possible to transfer this new canopy to a new MkIX model created from the MkVIII model to make some of the later MkIX variants and a MkXVI.

Thanks in advance for any replies.

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