[Download] 19 skins P-51 Mustang

Superb Skins as usual.

Capt. Shomo flew F-6D-10 (44-414841) "SNOOKS 5th" with numer 66 on the tail during the historic 7-kill mission on 11 January, 1945 that earned him the medal of honor. He shot down 6 Tony's, confirmed, escorting a lone Betty Bomber and also shot down the Betty, confirmed, during this one engagement and his wingman, F-6D-15, shot down 3 Tony's, confirmed, who were escorting the same Betty. A lone Ki-44 also escorting the Betty escaped destruction. Capt. Shomo's aircraft had no unit markings. "Mustang and Thunderbolt Aces of the Pacific and CBI", photographs on page 38. Reports indicate that the Ki-61 escorts rocked their wings in recognition towards the mustangs, mistaking them for friendly aircraft until they came under attack. Mustangs had never been seen before.

A short time later the fin cap of " Snooks 5th" (44-41484) was painted yellow to denote the 82nd TRS. Color plate #24 "Mustang and Thunderbolt Aces of the Pacific and CBI" page 58"

"The Flying Undertaker" 44-72505 was a P-51D-20 later assigned to Major Shomo some weeks after the historic flight and is the plane that appears in most of the surviving pictures of the Major. Color Plate #25 "Mustang and Thunderbolt Aces of the Pacific and CBI" page 58.


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