[Map] Avala's Benghalli Islands map

I'm still having problems getting the map to load after I set up a mission in full mission builder. I get the do you want to save mission window, and when I press yes the map stays up in the Mission builder. when I press exit again I press no and get out of the Mission builder, but the map isn't in the place I put it.

When I go to the root folder in Il-2 Mission the .properties file are there but no .mis. files.

Here's how I installed the Map.
1) After I downloaded it I extracted it to it's own folder on the desktop.
2) Put Benghalli folder in Mods/MapMods/Maps
3) Put Avala folder in the _Tex folder
4) Added the line Benghalli Benghalli/load.ini in the all.ini file

This is all the steps I followed.

Does the Map take a few minutes(over 5 minutes) to load the Mission file up after you create it?

Could someone please tell me how they installed the Benghalli map. There's a few more people out there with the same problem as me.

Thank you in advance,


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