QMB mission and quicks file for Benghalli map

hi fred, something strange happens when I load the quick mission....it loads on the HB_Atolls map. I think I've found the cause, though, which might have an impact on any future quick missions that guys do.
Here's what I found:
If you open the quick mission, the first line or so looks like this:
head (altitude=8,defence=1,map=47,our=true,pos=0,situation=0,target=0,timeH=9,timeM=0,weather=2)

If I go through my quick list in the conf.ini, I find that my map no 47 is HB_Atolls, hence it loads on that map. I'm willing to bet that map no 47 in your conf is Benghalli.
This means that most people will have their QMB maps listed/numbered differently, and the mission would load on the wrong map for most.
The fix is pretty easy, you need to open the quick mission file with notepad, and just edit the map=?? section of the first line to correspond with the relevant map number as it appears in the conf.
In my case, Benghalli is map 73 in my conf, so I edited it to read map=73, and voila! The mission plays on the right map. :wink: Big Grin
Hope this helps somebody.

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