04.10.2009, 17:03
OK I can understand the MOD override the default SFS system file mechanism...
I suspected as much, this tutorial (The link is inoperative)
is the only flow Ive been able to read that gives the big womb to tomb picture.
It does have some missing information:
- The Wrapper.exe is not explained so that a newb like myself knows how and when to employ it.
Running the Wrapper.exe installer, it says: "You must have 'Eng_Sound_Mod_9X' or 'Mod-Activator' installed first."
So I dont know if this is necessary for what Im trying to do (skin a ship) or not, and where these prerequistes are.
- The "download the texture loader mod" link (The link is inoperative) is empty.
Which I believe existed to allow users to convert objects not already converted. Turns out the SHIPS are unconverted at this time.
So, I downloaded the "Ships" link provided...
Download > ShipsTexturesV1_unconverted.rar (Main file) (105 meg) (NOT CONVERTED)
then I go to the ShipsTexures/3do/Ships/USSLexingtonCV2 folder after extracting the rar file.
I see a bunch of (filename).MSH files, but they are in a "unconverted" state.
Im guessing that I cannot use the TGAConverter until first these packs are converted via the texture loader, right?
Anyways, I tried the "FILE/LOAD ALL + IMG DLL REQ)" command to try to read one of these MSH files in the IMFViewer,
but nothing happens.
Im on MS Vista32 Home Premium Edition SP2
Can someone either tell me what Im doing wrong, or is required for my Vista version, or convert these for me please?
I suspected as much, this tutorial (The link is inoperative)
is the only flow Ive been able to read that gives the big womb to tomb picture.
It does have some missing information:
- The Wrapper.exe is not explained so that a newb like myself knows how and when to employ it.
Running the Wrapper.exe installer, it says: "You must have 'Eng_Sound_Mod_9X' or 'Mod-Activator' installed first."
So I dont know if this is necessary for what Im trying to do (skin a ship) or not, and where these prerequistes are.
- The "download the texture loader mod" link (The link is inoperative) is empty.
Which I believe existed to allow users to convert objects not already converted. Turns out the SHIPS are unconverted at this time.
So, I downloaded the "Ships" link provided...
Download > ShipsTexturesV1_unconverted.rar (Main file) (105 meg) (NOT CONVERTED)
then I go to the ShipsTexures/3do/Ships/USSLexingtonCV2 folder after extracting the rar file.
I see a bunch of (filename).MSH files, but they are in a "unconverted" state.
Im guessing that I cannot use the TGAConverter until first these packs are converted via the texture loader, right?
Anyways, I tried the "FILE/LOAD ALL + IMG DLL REQ)" command to try to read one of these MSH files in the IMFViewer,
but nothing happens.
Im on MS Vista32 Home Premium Edition SP2
Can someone either tell me what Im doing wrong, or is required for my Vista version, or convert these for me please?