4.09m Russian texts?!

Thanks boys for the fast reply! Your warmth is always very nice and appreciated! =)
Well, unfortunately I didn't succeed in solving my problem. ='(

Trooper117 Wrote:Did you download the Russian version of 4.09?
Have you used the english language fix? (The link is inoperative)

Of course I downloaded the English version of 4.09! And about the language fix... I already had it. But it's not a problem of career language... it's a problem of in-game hud commands language (look at the screenshot i posted above!), and i think henkypenky got it from the right point (the answer should be in those i18n/.properties files...)

henkypenky Wrote:Hi Paolo, try this: This is one of those little issues that will pop up with new stuff as always. We deal with it!!

it is easy to fix. Go to your games i18n folder (in the main game folder, not the one in mods)

and find the file called


Make a copy of it, and put the copy in

or in MODS/STD/i18n if you dont have the XTD folder.

and rename it



Not my wisdom, just picked it up on the net.

Thanks mate. I tried to do exactly what you told me. I didn't have a hud_msg.properties file under files/i18n, nor did I in my Mods folder... so I used AAA SFS Extractor to extract the hud_msg.properties and hud_msg_ru.properties from files.sfs. I only found the second one (hud_msg_ru.properties), so I made sure it was written in English language, NOT in Russian (opened it with Notepad), renamed it hud_msg.properties (WITHOUT "_ru") and put it in my files/i18n folder. Launched the game but... the trick didn't work. =(
So, if neither hud_msg.properties nor hud_msg_ru.properties are meant to control the hud language in-game. what kind of file is? What should I change in order to get English language back?
I'm very confused now and don't know what to do... =(

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