Proper Widescreen in IL2

Here are some screen shots, note these are at 800 x 600 pixels

First, we have a standard 4:3 monitor view (1400 x 1050). This is the Spitfire IXc cockpit. You can see the mirror and both rows of major instruments. Basically, this is what you will see at maximum FOV (90 degrees or Wide view) in standard IL2 with a standard monitor.

[Image: 4to3wideview.png]

Next we have the same view but with IL2 adjusted to 16:9 widescreen (2048 x 1152). This is done by simply making a few changes in the conf.ini file. Notice how you can only see a portion of the mirror and you can only see the top row if the main instruments. This is what I mean by widescreen users having a disadvatage over people with normal 4:3 monitors

[Image: 16to9withil2maxfov90.png]

And finally we have 16:9 widescreen (2048 x 1152) with a FOV of 106 degrees . Note this gives the same vertical height as the first picture at 4:3 but with more width.(note ignore the stick as it wa in a different position for each screeny as you have to reload IL2, compare via the instruments) This is how widescreen should look in IL2...if it was supported that is!

[Image: 16to9with106fov.png]

Note: if you have a 16:10 ratio monitor you would want a FOV of around 101 degrees.

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