Rare Wild Mustangs

Deac Wrote:I'm rather tired now, particurally of everyone criticizing my un-ending support of the Mustang, so I'm going to get some sleep now... Thanks kindly, and please, the lasat one out, turn off the lights... Smile

Not everyone hates the P-51 Deac. If you know how to fly one you can pretty much shoot anything down. Most people that complain about them almost aways try to fly them like a Zeke. The P-51 is not any more prone to stalls, or spins then the Me-109 or Fw-190. In real life it could turn as good at both. The P-51 is not a stall fighter, never was or meant to be.

Rather it was an energy fighter like all mid to late war aircraft. It has been called a Boom & Zoom aircraft. Dive in fast, climb out, repeat, and rinse. Never try to turn the P-51 more then it's min cornering speed. Otherwise you will stall,or spin. Like the Jug, the Jug was not a stall fighter or could it ever be.

Used with the correct tactics the Jug was a Dice-O-Matic. That's the trick to flying any fighter, using it's stengths versus your opponents weaknesses. My favorite was the P-51B or P-51C. Both have good qualities which I feel give it a slight edge over the P-51D. They turn a little better, and are 10 MPH faster at altitude. Only downside is having only 4x50 cals. How ever my absolute favorite plane is the P-38J, but that is another story Smile

I did fly P-51B's and D's in Aces High for two years with a P-51 squadron.

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