MiG-15 and F-85 Sabre Issues (post them here)

Geronimo89 Wrote:Ok after some more reading on this subject (on sick leave lol) I agree that these models may be accurate. I was at first shocked by the sheer amount of pwnage the migs delivered upon my boys in sabres (and reversed). I guess the main problem is AI. It has godly engine that can be put to 110% for hours and not burn out. It can never actually shoot me down but can run forever in a fight 1 on 1. I remember in some older version (think it was when Aces expansion came out) AI was just about perfect. It used to turn fight more and break to sides, making up for its unburnable engine. I remember when I managed to shoot down a Me262 with PZL p.11.
I noticed one weird thing that happens when flying the Mig. When I yank the throttle too much it is prone to falling in a perfect unrecoverable spiral spin. I dont think it was possible IRL for a plane to fall in such a perfect way straight to the ground, nose pointing to the side. Guess its fault of the game engine, but it never happened to me on another plane.
I am not criticizing, just want this mod to be best possible when it becomes final. Thanks again for this great mod!

The spiral spin is recoverable that it goes into, due to my keyboard flying I went into one about 5 times when i started and now I don't do it anymore, power the plane down to 0, roll the direction it's spinning and pull or push (don't remember which 1 I use now but both do work) and apply opposite rudder, after a while it'll level out facing downwards then power up and pull out.

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