[WIP] KTO Map Upgrade {Taking Requests}

Mechanist Wrote:Well i got couple things:

First of all the 2d map, the one you "can" navigate from, well it is a mess. I can hardly navigate form it, because there are no roads, vilages, forests indicated in it. It is the most serious matter with the map.

This map really coud use some retexturing, bacause everywhere i look there is forests, even when there is no 3d forest are there. Oh and the big yellow lines, what supose to be the roads are a bit funy too.

The map could seriously use some small vilages, i've noticed that it has medium and small sized vilages, but they are not populated.

A better road/railway system should be implemented, and some new airstrips.

If this thread turns disrespectful it will be shut down. First Warning.
Some Cities and Villages aren't fully populated to allow missions builders freedom, and to prevent low end systems from having issues.

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