Map Preview - Straight of Hormuz

Thrud Wrote:average actors static size of the 6 SLOT maps is about 287 KB (0.2 MB). For the 4 NGNB maps, it's about 300-400 KB. I can't image what you guys are putting in there. We only try to build what the audience will see, like a movie set. It lightens our maps and also gives the mission maker a "blanker" canvas to work on.

I look forward to flying it. Has it been tested for online play and spawn point collisions?

No testing has been done yet for online play nor for spawn point collisions. And in all honesty, I would not know how to do so ... I truly don't think I even know what a spawn point is. Or rather I suppose I do, but collisions? Aren't spawn point normally above existing airfields? And they surely aren't placed next to each other ...

As for the size of the actors - the oilfields alone have an actors of that size. Anything less and it would have been like looking for a needle in a haystack. I started out modestly with few objects, then take a flight around and it was as if nothing were there.

This map is mainly land as opposed to mainly ocean on the Slot maps. It gives one a perspective on the classic advice never to start a land war on the Asian continent ...

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