winRAR 3.9

57thgrp is asking you if he should use Winrar Hoover ....Well I am asking myself this question as I am struggling with this damn CRT=2 problem. After using the Ui1.2 installer over a clean Ui1.1 installation I always get a command screen mentioning some missing files. Testing my UI1.2 archives with Winrar doesn't reveal any corrupt file????

So what is going on here?

Or the installer doesn't do its work correctly and Winrar is right or Winrar is wrong about those archives not being corrupted?

Or perhaps I should use Winrar from the beginning and not trust the UI installer?

And thank you me too I read the whole instruction process described by Monguse....spend my whole weekend repeating installation after installation and still CRT=2 :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

...Any chance about seeing 1.2.5 soon? :roll:


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