05.11.2009, 17:34
thank you, CristianoConrado for giving us one more sand box to play in.
the down side of these server announcement posts are the inevitable "discussion" that always occurs .
Comments such as "your server setting suck" , "no you're a sucky player", "this/that is un/realistic" usually end up in the thread somewhere.
Just remeber that your server settings are like a filter used to attract the type of player that you want to host.
I hope your server gets the patronage you seek. I'm also glad that the UI 1.2 have given you the most tools to create and run the missions you choose.
the down side of these server announcement posts are the inevitable "discussion" that always occurs .
Comments such as "your server setting suck" , "no you're a sucky player", "this/that is un/realistic" usually end up in the thread somewhere.
Just remeber that your server settings are like a filter used to attract the type of player that you want to host.
I hope your server gets the patronage you seek. I'm also glad that the UI 1.2 have given you the most tools to create and run the missions you choose.