Sans FOV changer

Thanks guys. I can see all this that you're talking about. I guess it just depends on what FOV you want. Cause like I said, if I put san's FOV on 80 (normal view), then use the standard in-game wideview for comparison, I see more around the screen in the standard wide view (i guess cause it zooms out). But, if you wanted a really wide view of say 100 or had 3 monitors, I could see this program making a difference. One thigh that really confused me is a test I did after I typed the question on this tread. I measured gun-sights and the size of the plane that's in my sight. I thought that if I use a FOV through sans that produces a certain pipper size and a certain enemy aircraft size, I would get more in my screen top and bottom then when I zoom in/out with the in-game FOVs to match the pipper/aircraft size that I used in San's. But I don't...I get the same amount of FOV when I make the targets the same size. So if I use San's FOV to get the pipper a diameter of .5 inches on my screen, I get the same FOV in my screen when I use the in-game FOV's to get the pipper to be .5 inches in diameter. Maybe it's cause I'm using a smaller resolution of 1920x1080.

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