.SFS re-Packer?

.SFS is the file extension for SingleFileSystem and is just a superb way of handling file compression,
why do people get the impression that this utility is only for IL-2

A SFS compresiion tool can be purchased for $300 US Dollars and it is available to anyone in the world who has the $300 US to purchase one!

It is not an IL-2 only compression utility,it was not made by some IL-2 modder and why it would only be allowed to be used by certain individuals only and it's secret kept from the community is totally beyond me when we have the tools to exract .SFS files

There is no secret tool,or secret ways of using it,it is just a compression utility like winrare but much much better.

I found a SFS compression utility using Google ...but it is $300,00 US so I personally will not be buying one!

If you know how to use Google and have $300 US dollars too spend...go buy a SFS compression utility!

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