
I downloaded everything that you said to get and installed it exactly where you said to put it. No ejection seat. I also can't seem to land either of the Sabres. I have a very difficult time getting them below 150 MPH without them stalling out and crashing. If I try coming in at 150 to 160, the landing gear collapases and I become a grease mark on the runway.

Oh yeah, the canopy thing. Interesting this. When you start out the canopy is open, I understand the logic., however, the AI doesn't. When I "Close" the canopy and then let the AI take over to fly so I can observe, he "Opens" the canopy and promptly loses it. Also, when the canopy is "closed" while I am flying it, I get all the lovely wind effects sounds, but when I "open" and thus lose my canopy, much to my surprise, no more wind sound effects.

I'm sure all of this is still in BETA as you said and you are open to hearing about the glitches that most Beta testers come up with so you can be made aware of them so you can make it all better. That is the point of creating all of these mods right? To make the game better?

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